Training by Movie Star (2): War of the Roses
The War of the Roses from 1989 is an American black comedy film based upon the novel with same name. The film follows a wealthy couple with a seemingly perfect marriage. When their marriage begins to fall apart, material possessions become the center of an outrageous and bitter divorce battle.
If you are interested in communication and its effects, you may have the best chance to learn. There´s the situation when the first domino flips, and one could easily repair. During the escalation there would have been quite more chances to de-escalate, to return to normal, but they all got missed. So, the drama continues to its bitter end.
It is one of the best movies I know about communication (besides Laurel and Hardy – the two gentleman are excellent in communication glitches leading into disaster) Such movies are great to see, and luckily we know it´s just a story. Great actors like Kathleen Turner, Michael Douglas and Danny DeVito show how they celebrate and explain a disaster. Supported by a wonderful script they teach us to be careful about consequences of our own behavior.
We can learn while we get entertained – life couldn´t treat us better.