Resilient People (Part 8) – Generations
We may be proud how the human population developed in the last two millenniums to the level we have today. But did we really develop as rapid as we believe?
Assume we need only in average 20 years from one generation to the next. In other words, we go back to the age of the romans when a person in the forties was believed to be old, and a person of sixty of age was aged and expected to die. Consequently, we just made hundred-and-one generations from the year 0 after Christus till today.
Drosophila is a fly having less than two weeks between generations what makes then the ideal target for quite some research. This insect will be able to have hundred generations in little more than four years (depending on the climate). In moderate climate it will be done in fife years only. All of us may have witnessed in our life more generations of flies than humans had in the last two millennia. From a genetic perspective and from the individual´s behavior we see that rather complex animals may need more time to fundamentally change.
Resilient people will be able to put events, facts, situations into perspective. They may balance what may be desirable, expected, and achieved. They may be patient and pushy, they may combine quite different and opposing activities in a balance. They understand the flow of time, and they understand that every mew generation needs to grow up, to learn and to train to become professional.
Combining experience cross generations, new and old skills, to use the flow-of-life, not a work-life-balance, will make a difference. Feel invited to ask for support.