Business Punk (Part 4) – Tact or Truth?
In an intercultural context, Germans are not ranked high: They tend to be impolite, show no sense of humor, may be seen harsh, and they are certainly not the most diplomatic people of this planet (as we may see with our actual foreign minister). Diplomacy is a tool, other nations may use better, and a strategic game based on the forces of diplomacy allows quite substantial success. There´s this great joke about Germans where the Canadian tells a German „You have no sense of humor” – and the German answer is “This is certainly not true: Following reasons: 1st…, 2nd…, 3rd…”
When we think about punk, we may not necessarily thing about tact, more about individual truth and how to address. Are the Germans punkers? Did they invent punk? Is it smart to ignore tact? Not necessarily. Sometimes it´s smarter to allow others to learn, to understand and to follow step by step an argumentation line. Punk does not mean being loud, punk may mean to be different. A game based on the forces of diplomacy allows quite substantial success.
Smart people act different. Punk behaves different. In an ideal world, people will spend their days with open eyes and open mind – what punk claims to be: Open eyed and open minded. The day we will see more and more people with open eyes may be the day punk becomes mainstream, losing its reputation.
When you intend to make your organization punky, it´s not about tattoos or colored hair. Feel invited to start a dialogue.