Training by Moviestar (Part 5)
At the end of this year I want to make you aware of another movie that was for me telling in many ways: How do you deal with time? If you watch a movie, do you need immediate action? Do you enjoy different cultures? What was and is one of the most relevant position in your organization, non-negotiable? What happens when positions get changed over night? What are our values?
Kagemusha (影武者) is a film set in the 16th century in Japan. It tells the story of a lower-class criminal who is taught to become doppelganger of a daimyo (lord) of a Japanese house (clan). Kagemusha is litterally translated “shadow warrior”. The film ends with the devastating battle of Nagashino in 1575.
Strategy, loyalty, respect, tactic, use of new tools to turn chances, and frictions are getting addressed in this film. This film was nominated for two Oscars and was winner in Cannes 1980. It is a strong parable about values.
We all work, and act based on values. Our organizations follow values, too (see my thoughts about purpose). If we break up and leave it unprepared, we may fail. What is your experience with failure?
Let´s stay connected.