Magic of Words
We all use our language. Our language and our word are tools to communicate, and to make things happen. We explain, we discuss, and we understand that every word, every sentence is subject of an interpretation. When we listen to words, the tome will travel together with the sentences, and the tone will be relevant for an interpretation, too.
The language used will be of relevance for the meaning, too: There are language that know grammatical forms that do only exist in one language and the translation is difficult. There are as well languages who do not know different times, like Chinese. If one wants to use time in future or past, at the beginning of a sentence the relevant character will be shown. Why is it important? Because language, written and spoken, form our imagination. What is not included in our language will either need a longer explanation or the competence to be open to aspects we may not expect.
In a business context it may help to keep in mind:
- said is not heard
- heard is not understood
- understood is not agreed
- agreed is not remembered
- remembered is not done
If you have issues within your organization´s performance, probability is high there are communication issues, often in combination with processes and other aspects. To identify such roadblocks is doable. Feel invited to talk.