Magic of Freedom
We all use the word freedom frequently. Freedom to operate. Freedom to talk. Freedom to travel. Freedom to roam. Freedom…
…is a wildly used word. However, everybody does have – outside of a technical expression which is somehow defined – a different opinion what freedom is and what it means.
For all of us, freedom has a different meaning, and even during our lifetime, the meaning of freedom may change. A prisoner may understand the word freedom to be unchained. A person feeling pressed in its work may understand the hours out of work to be free. Some of us may understand the time of work as free time – from other obligations. And some may feel the freedom at work to live what they understand being relevant for themselves.
The culture we are in will define as well what we understand as freedom. During the Roman Emperor Justinian´s life (482-565 a.c.) and stated in the in the Corpus Juris Civilis, the civil code at this time, was the sentence “cogitationis peonam nemo partitur” – no one gets punished for his thoughts. Obviously later the understanding changed. In Schiller´s Don Carlos, the sentence “Sire, give freedom of thought” is written. Can a thought be illegal? Can it be a sin as the Christians believe? Where does freedom begins and where does it end? Questions of culture, time we live in and context.
Many organizations and societies have fine and well-balanced structures, codes, and ways how to deal with tasks, opinions and developed certain processes how to work and live together. Most organizations invest time to answering questions about discrimination (and how to avoid), about what to cheer and what to dislike, but the majority has no opinion about freedom. We believe free people will be able to be more innovative. If you are interested in the logic behind, feel invited to talk.