When I was young, punk became a new trend. Most of my generation did not like the aggressive way, punk presented itself and punkers outfit was supposed to be a provocation. Punk was an anti-establishment development, and punker tried hard to shock with dress, piercings, color, sound… Punk music was loud and not melodious on purpose, the lyrics often aggressive. The punk subculture till today advocates a do-it-yourself (DIY) attempt. In the early days of punk, members were mainly from a lower economic class, and frustrated by an attitude to life that was associated with popular rock music at the time. Punks published their own music or work with small labels, hoping to combat as they believed an only money-hungry music industry. This ethic is still popular with punks even now they appreciate some commercial success.
When DIY is a pattern of punk – and to work and to live different, following other/own patterns, being different to the mainstream – shouldn´t we all try to be punks? If all would do the same – what does differentiate us from others? I still remember the T-shirt with a school of fish swimming in one direction and the single fish of different color moving into the opposite direction, subtitled: Be different.
Once I was in a meeting with a president of stock listed company, and we discussed innovation. He was obviously not open to change. When I asked why he would be so reluctant, he told me: „What do you want? If I do what my competition does – how can my board complain?“ Well, as a board member one might have asked what he would do to differentiate.
Bands like The Clash, Ramones, Sex Pistols, Wire, and all the others marked a new way of music. Punk was certainly an invention, and in some cases became innovative, too. Now – what could we learn? Do it yourself. Follow your instinct. Try to break through. Be your own pathfinder. But remain sceptic about yourself. Allow criticism. This is why we are cheering entrepreneurs: They try new ways. Managers often fail to innovate. They put process above intuition. Life is getting predictable while innovation disturbs harmony. Punks are not well tolerated. If you want to make innovation an integral part of your culture, you might have to revisit your schemes, see your HR-partner, and talk to me. Together with partners I developed certain methodologies to change an organization to become innovative.
Business punks place and live their own rules. They rarely care about the forces of power, and they may even not pre-calculate a board´s reaction. They fight for believes first. With all personal consequences. They live their ambition and vision. With all personal consequences. Sometimes, they go too far, sometimes they set standards. Getting it balanced might be an option and the task.