5P Method (Part 6) – Profit
We call it 5 P method and have 6 parts – how normal are we 😊? Well – how normal we are is simple answered – not really. If we would be normal, we would behave as the majority. In a previous post, we mentioned the bells curve and consequences. Only few people of a population will be able to change, to innovate. Most people are luckily the normal ones that understand how a normal day should work and be lived.
With this part 6, we return to the start of this mini-series about the 5 P Method, but one level up: The analysis. What is the lesson learned out of the last weeks? If we managed to show you that 4 out of 5 chapters dealt with everything but no financial figures (they support but do not drive the show), we managed to show the difference between an organization managed by controlling and the CFO or an organization working on its people and answering the question what type of personalities one may need. An organization optimizing its own performance to improve its market position and cost structure. An organization challenging its own manufacturing environment bringing its technology in a financial context. An organization developing market chances through customer interaction and analyzing in detail chances with suppliers or partners to improve its own market position. An organization that deducts products out of a customer demand and can understand where it can contribute. A strong controlling is relevant and a look into the wallet, too. But answers differ.
Is it just management poesy? No. Proven to work in various business contexts. Proven in even challenging times when the water under the bridge was extremely thin, and a turnaround urgently needed. There is always a need for Chance and Innovation to ramp up. The 5P methodology is praxis tested, step by step optimized and used for companies of all size: Startups, midsize and large organizations in national and intercultural context. Stock listed, privately owned and finances by VC or PE. If you want to change and innovate, feel invited to talk.